Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bhikhari Thakur IPTA Theatre Festival 2009

Bikhari Thakur IPTA Theatre Festival – 2009
The imagination is the most valuable gift to the human race. Art usually is a pure reflection of the imagination. But it is not just a medium for imagination or entertainment but can enact change. Theatre art uses the stage as a platform for moral and social action and is committed to challenging the boundaries of creativity. A play can claim to represent the moral and cultural values of a homogeneous society.
The feeling, thought and action of the time may find the best expressions in the drama. Since the time immemorial, performing arts have been able to strike a universal chord with audiences, engaging contemporary social and political issues.
Societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media by which people communicate rather than the content of the communication. Always the playwrights make innovative experimentation that makes dramas evergreen. It is true that the age witnesses tremendous development in the nature and ways of performance. It is a pleasure to notice that, great efforts are being made for culture in general and for the performing arts in particular. Dramatic play-acting in the strongest sense needs our attention and must not be allowed to desolate among the rain of routine, reality performances which are not special in any way.
Performing art, especially drama, involves a lot of hard work, dedication and determination to keep on developing and polishing one’s talent taking into consideration the demands of a passionate and imaginative audience. The public interest for the theatre has increased quite considerably. There are plenty of eager art lovers, who are ready, willing and able to provide support for good theatre art whenever they can find them. Especially today's youngsters more than ever before, are interested in everything which involves theatre. We cannot ignore this hunger.
IPTA feels that, in this climate of protests and violent intimidation, artistic expression needs to be defended against pressure groups. By means of supervision and mediation, as a bridge to practice, it helps to construct a theatre-culture, not only its collective memory or rich history, but also its current affairs.
The double-faced head of the theatre always allows us to explore both present and past stimulus for a culture of participation. We can satisfy our urge to understand the ever changing society with constant innovation which does not neglect our roots, but, quite the contrary, strengthens them.
Post-modern drama seems to have rather been an experiment on the limits of drama and theatre, and post-modernism has offered the tools and theoretical equipment for this attempt. Over the past decades
Post-modernism has been a concept to be wrestled with; it has been shaped by conflicting opinions and arguments.
The Bhikhari Thakur IPTA Theatre Festival organised by the Indian Peoples’ Theatre Association (IPTA), Bihar State Council focusing on post-modern drama, opens an opportunity to everyone in our state to come together and consider current issues that affect those engaged in the creation and presentation of theatre art.
Bhikhri Thakur IPTA Theatre Festival is the annual feature of IPTA to mark the glorious theatrical performance and appreciation tradition of Bihar. In the more than six decades journey of creative art performance IPTA in Bihar has established various milestones in the theatre performance for the people and great Indian composite culture.
This year IPTA is going to organize this theatre festival in the first week of December, 2009 at Kalidas Rangalaya, East Gandhi Maidan, Patna and focusing the responsibility of theatre in developing scenario. Note theatre groups of West Bengal, Karnataka and Bihar IPTA’s units from Begusarai, Madubani, Katihar, Muzaffarpur, Saharsa, Madepura, Siwan, Chapra, Bhojpur and Patna would perform the great saga of Indian culture and art.
To be able to operate more effectively and to be involved in more nationwide collaboration the Indian Peoples’ Theatre Association (IPTA), Bihar needs financial support from individual patrons and sponsors. That is why the IPTA, Bihar is open to sponsors and patrons from all over the nation.
It offers a sponsor the possibility to put his logo on the festival’s IEC materials and on printed products like brochures, flyers, posters and invitation cards.
Through the statewide presence of the IPTA and an extremely well-visited auditorium, the IPTA offers a sponsor the possibility to show his interest and support for the performing arts to his public. According to the wishes of a sponsor, the Indian Peoples’ Theatre Association can organize events and performances for the sponsor or for the sponsor’s customers.
In the recent past the IPTA has received donations from the various corporate, institution, government department, financial institution which was used for essential performances and activities of the IPTA Bihar.
The IPTA Bihar greatly appreciates this generous support and welcomes further donations.
Both sponsors and patrons will be present on the IPTA Bihar’s festival materials and may be invited to the festivals, events, etc. Funds received from sponsors and donors are tax deductible.
Patrons, sponsors, foundations, organizations and institutions seeking to support the IPTA should contact the General Secretary IPTA, Bihar.
The IPTA Bihar State Council expresses its gratitude to the main sponsors of last festivals:
TATA Shakti, TATA Tiscon, TI Brand Saria, Takshshila Educational Society, Hotel Maurya, Bank of India

Monday, December 3, 2007

कई बार यह सवाल उठता है कि मीडिया क्रांति के इस युग में रंगमंच के क्या मायने हैं. अँधेरे प्रेक्षा गृह में सीमित दर्शक समूह के समक्ष प्रदर्शन करना कितना प्रासंगिक है जबकि आज सैकडो टी वी चैनल्स एक संवाद पर करोडों मुस्कान को हासिल करने का दावा कर रहीं हैं।
यह सवाल बिल्कुल जायज हैऔर इसका जवाब भी उतना ही परखा और तर्कसंगत है. रंगकर्म का सीधा सार्थक उद्देश्य जनता कीभावानायों को कलात्मक अभिव्यक्ति से जोड़कर प्रगतिशील वैचारिकता की प्रति लोगों को संबध रखना है. समाज में कहीं भी किसी के साथ जो कुछ भी गलत हो रह है; जनवादी, लोकतांत्रिक एवं मान्वियाय मूल्यों के खिलाफ हो रह है; उसका कलात्मक प्रतिकार ही रंगमंच का प्राथमिक लक्ष्य है और ऐसा एल जीवंत संवाद संप्रेषण के माध्यम से ही संभव है. प्रेक्षा गृह में बिठा दर्शक, कभी भी सिनेमा या टी व के दर्शकों की तरह निरपेक्ष नहीं होता है. बल्कि नाट्य प्रस्तुति का हिस्सा होता है. पूरे नाटक के आलेख में मौन भाव से प्रस्तुति को देखा रह दर्शक भी एक अभिनेता के रुप में मंच पर मौजूद रहता है।
सीमित दर्शक समूह तक पहुंच होने के बाद भी रंगमंच का असर व्यापक है और इसके संवाहक दर्शक होते हैं. एक नाट्य प्रस्तुति देखने वाला दर्शक नाट्य विचार के उत्प्रेरक और संवाहक दोनो की भूमिका को निभाता है. एक आदमी से दूसरे तक और दूसरे से अगले तक विचारों को पहुँचने के लिए प्रेरित करना भी रंगमंच का अन्तर्निहित उद्देश्य और सार्थकता है. इसी कारन दुनिया के हरेक कोने में रंगमंच (चाहे किसी भी रुप में हो) अपने दायित्वों कू पूरा कर रह है. कहीं सांस्थानिक ढान्चे में तो कहीं लोक-गँवाई रुप में हर गली हर चौक पर रंगकर्म मानव संवेदनाओं को अभिव्यक्त कर रह है. ‘इप्टा’ जैसे संगठनों की सक्रियता इसके पुख्ता प्रमाण हैं और यह अव्यावसायिक कलाकारों – संगठनों की व्यावसायिक गुणवत्ता के कारण हो सका है.

पटना इप्टा के २५वे नगर सम्मेलन का उद्घाटन आलोक धन्वा के द्वारा

पटना इप्टा की नयी कमिटी